Property Tax Arbitration
Property owners who have filed a protest with their local appraisal review board (ARB) have the option to request limited binding arbitration for procedural violations during the ARB protest process or request regular binding arbitration to appeal values determined by local ARBs. Learn more below, including how to file an online arbitration request.
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Popular Topics
- File arbitration requests online (eSystems Login)
- Apply to join the Arbitrator Registry (eSystems Login)
- Limited Binding Arbitration information regarding procedural violations
- Regular Binding Arbitration information regarding the appeal of local ARB determinations of value
- Taxpayer Assistance Pamphlet (PDF)
- Arbitrator Registry information
- Texas Property Tax Rate Directory
Property Tax System Basics
Property taxes provide the largest source of money that local governments use to pay for schools, streets, roads, police, fire protection, and many other services. Texas law establishes the process followed by local officials in determining the property's value, ensuring that values are equal and uniform, setting tax rates, and collecting taxes. Texas has no state property tax. The Texas Constitution and statutory law authorize local taxing units to collect the tax. The state does not set tax rates, collect taxes, or settle disputes between you and your local taxing units.
Learn more about property tax in Texas